Problems installing WMP 11 On XP Professional Machine
(too old to reply)
Taylor Kostal
2010-06-24 20:32:34 UTC
WMP install fails with a '0x8007f00d' error. I have tried renaming
spupdsvc.exe, but that did not solve the problem. It is an XP Professional
Machine with SP2, and if I could fix the problem without updating to SP3 that
would be ideal. Following are the wmp11.log and updspapi.log files.

0.120: 2010/06/24 10:55:25.787 (local)
0.120: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.exe (version
0.130: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11873, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11905, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.721: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.IP
0.721: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.771: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for
c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.inf failed
0.771: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallwmp11$
0.771: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
0.801: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.801: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.801: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.801: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
13.149: Third Party Provider = Intel for
14.801: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_AFD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_BEEP\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CLNTMGMT.SYS\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CPQDFW\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQCPU\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQ_MEM\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMBOOT\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMLOAD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EABFILTR\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EECTRL\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_FIPS\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_GPC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_HTTP\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPNAT\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPSEC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IRDA\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_KSECDD\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MNMDD\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MOUNTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVENG\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVEX15\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDIS\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISTAPI\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISUIO\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDPROXY\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NETBT\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NULL\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARVDM\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RASACD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPCDD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPWD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRTPEL\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SPBBCDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMEVENT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMREDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMTDI\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIP\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TDTCP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VGASAVE\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VOLSNAP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_WANARP\0000 0x2
22.873: OEM file scan used 22072 ticks
26.017: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 25216 ticks
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
26.057: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 40 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
26.067: AnalyzeComponents used 25266 ticks
26.067: Downloading 0 files
26.067: bPatchMode = FALSE
26.067: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 25296 ticks
26.067: Num Ticks for invent : 25296
26.067: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 17210122240
26.077: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
26.077: Drive C: free 16412MB req: 55MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
26.077: CabinetBuild complete
26.077: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 10
26.077: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
26.087: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.428: Return Code = 0
26.428: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.908: Return Code = 0
26.908: Starting process: "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect
2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall
26.908: RunInfProcesses: SpawnProcessAndWaitForItToComplete on ""C:\Program
Files\Windows Media Connect 2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall" in
[ProcessesToRunBeforeArchive] failed: 0x3
26.908: Return Code = 3
26.908: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmccpl.dll"
26.969: Return Code = 3
26.969: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmcsci.dll"
27.039: Return Code = 3
27.039: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
27.209: Return Code = 0
27.229: FileInUse:: Detection disabled.
28.260: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
36.923: ArchiveFileForUninstall:ArchiveSingleFile Cancelled
37.964: DoInstallation:UpdSpCommitFileQueue for AlwaysQueue Failed: 0x4c7
38.535: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> wmp11, 2
38.535: wmp11 Setup canceled.
38.535: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00d

Excerpt of updspapi.log... nothing fails before this.

#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET1A8.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp3res.dll" on next reboot.
[2008/07/10 03:00:35 3632.6]
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET14.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET15.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET16.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET17.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET18.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET19.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET1A.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" on next reboot.
[2010/01/04 08:19:17 1504.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/01/04 08:20:19 3504.6]
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET71.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\apphelp.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET72.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET73.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
[2010/06/24 10:18:11 2112.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:23:37 500.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:37:41 1332.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:43:21 2284.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:55:26 1568.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
Vanshaj Daga
2010-06-29 23:10:57 UTC
In my opinion this setup doesn't look like the authentic setup. It must have
been tempered with. Because its working is some kind like the virus does.
Renaming temp files to system files that deals with networking not with media
players. Are you sure you downloaded this setup from Microsoft.com because i
doubt that. Or otherwise also please download it again as the log says.
Good Luck!
Vanshaj Daga
Post by Taylor Kostal
WMP install fails with a '0x8007f00d' error. I have tried renaming
spupdsvc.exe, but that did not solve the problem. It is an XP Professional
Machine with SP2, and if I could fix the problem without updating to SP3 that
would be ideal. Following are the wmp11.log and updspapi.log files.
0.120: 2010/06/24 10:55:25.787 (local)
0.120: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.exe (version
0.130: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11873, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11905, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.721: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.IP
0.721: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.771: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for
c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.inf failed
0.771: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallwmp11$
0.801: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.801: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.801: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.801: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
13.149: Third Party Provider = Intel for
14.801: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_AFD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_BEEP\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CLNTMGMT.SYS\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CPQDFW\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQCPU\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQ_MEM\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMBOOT\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMLOAD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EABFILTR\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EECTRL\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_FIPS\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_GPC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_HTTP\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPNAT\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPSEC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IRDA\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_KSECDD\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MNMDD\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MOUNTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVENG\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVEX15\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDIS\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISTAPI\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISUIO\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDPROXY\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NETBT\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NULL\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARVDM\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RASACD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPCDD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPWD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRTPEL\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SPBBCDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMEVENT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMREDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMTDI\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIP\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TDTCP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VGASAVE\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VOLSNAP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_WANARP\0000 0x2
22.873: OEM file scan used 22072 ticks
26.017: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 25216 ticks
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
26.057: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 40 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
26.067: AnalyzeComponents used 25266 ticks
26.067: Downloading 0 files
26.067: bPatchMode = FALSE
26.067: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 25296 ticks
26.067: Num Ticks for invent : 25296
26.067: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 17210122240
26.077: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
26.077: Drive C: free 16412MB req: 55MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
26.077: CabinetBuild complete
26.077: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 10
26.077: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
26.087: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.428: Return Code = 0
26.428: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.908: Return Code = 0
26.908: Starting process: "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect
2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall
26.908: RunInfProcesses: SpawnProcessAndWaitForItToComplete on ""C:\Program
Files\Windows Media Connect 2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall" in
[ProcessesToRunBeforeArchive] failed: 0x3
26.908: Return Code = 3
26.908: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmccpl.dll"
26.969: Return Code = 3
26.969: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmcsci.dll"
27.039: Return Code = 3
27.039: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
27.209: Return Code = 0
27.229: FileInUse:: Detection disabled.
36.923: ArchiveFileForUninstall:ArchiveSingleFile Cancelled
37.964: DoInstallation:UpdSpCommitFileQueue for AlwaysQueue Failed: 0x4c7
38.535: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> wmp11, 2
38.535: wmp11 Setup canceled.
38.535: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00d
Excerpt of updspapi.log... nothing fails before this.
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET1A8.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp3res.dll" on next reboot.
[2008/07/10 03:00:35 3632.6]
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET14.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET15.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET16.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET17.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET18.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET19.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET1A.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" on next reboot.
[2010/01/04 08:19:17 1504.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/01/04 08:20:19 3504.6]
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET71.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\apphelp.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET72.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET73.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
[2010/06/24 10:18:11 2112.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:23:37 500.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:37:41 1332.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:43:21 2284.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:55:26 1568.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
Continue reading on narkive: