Taylor Kostal
2010-06-24 20:32:34 UTC
WMP install fails with a '0x8007f00d' error. I have tried renaming
spupdsvc.exe, but that did not solve the problem. It is an XP Professional
Machine with SP2, and if I could fix the problem without updating to SP3 that
would be ideal. Following are the wmp11.log and updspapi.log files.
0.120: 2010/06/24 10:55:25.787 (local)
0.120: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.exe (version
0.130: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11873, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11905, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.721: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.IP
0.721: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.771: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for
c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.inf failed
0.771: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallwmp11$
0.771: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
0.801: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.801: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.801: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.801: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
13.149: Third Party Provider = Intel for
14.801: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_AFD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_BEEP\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CLNTMGMT.SYS\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CPQDFW\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQCPU\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQ_MEM\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMBOOT\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMLOAD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EABFILTR\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EECTRL\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_FIPS\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_GPC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_HTTP\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPNAT\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPSEC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IRDA\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_KSECDD\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MNMDD\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MOUNTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVENG\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVEX15\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDIS\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISTAPI\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISUIO\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDPROXY\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NETBT\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NULL\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARVDM\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RASACD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPCDD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPWD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRTPEL\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SPBBCDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMEVENT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMREDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMTDI\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIP\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TDTCP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VGASAVE\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VOLSNAP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_WANARP\0000 0x2
22.873: OEM file scan used 22072 ticks
26.017: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 25216 ticks
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
26.057: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 40 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
26.067: AnalyzeComponents used 25266 ticks
26.067: Downloading 0 files
26.067: bPatchMode = FALSE
26.067: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 25296 ticks
26.067: Num Ticks for invent : 25296
26.067: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 17210122240
26.077: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
26.077: Drive C: free 16412MB req: 55MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
26.077: CabinetBuild complete
26.077: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 10
26.077: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
26.087: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.428: Return Code = 0
26.428: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.908: Return Code = 0
26.908: Starting process: "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect
2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall
26.908: RunInfProcesses: SpawnProcessAndWaitForItToComplete on ""C:\Program
Files\Windows Media Connect 2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall" in
[ProcessesToRunBeforeArchive] failed: 0x3
26.908: Return Code = 3
26.908: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmccpl.dll"
26.969: Return Code = 3
26.969: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmcsci.dll"
27.039: Return Code = 3
27.039: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
27.209: Return Code = 0
27.229: FileInUse:: Detection disabled.
28.260: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
36.923: ArchiveFileForUninstall:ArchiveSingleFile Cancelled
37.964: DoInstallation:UpdSpCommitFileQueue for AlwaysQueue Failed: 0x4c7
38.535: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> wmp11, 2
38.535: wmp11 Setup canceled.
38.535: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00d
Excerpt of updspapi.log... nothing fails before this.
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET1A8.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp3res.dll" on next reboot.
[2008/07/10 03:00:35 3632.6]
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET14.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET15.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET16.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET17.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET18.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET19.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET1A.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" on next reboot.
[2010/01/04 08:19:17 1504.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/01/04 08:20:19 3504.6]
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET71.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\apphelp.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET72.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET73.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
[2010/06/24 10:18:11 2112.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:23:37 500.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:37:41 1332.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:43:21 2284.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:55:26 1568.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
spupdsvc.exe, but that did not solve the problem. It is an XP Professional
Machine with SP2, and if I could fix the problem without updating to SP3 that
would be ideal. Following are the wmp11.log and updspapi.log files.
0.120: 2010/06/24 10:55:25.787 (local)
0.120: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.exe (version
0.130: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11873, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11905, RegOpenKeyEx failed with
error 0x2
0.701: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.721: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.IP
0.721: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.771: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for
c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\update\update.inf failed
0.771: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallwmp11$
0.771: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
0.801: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.801: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.801: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.801: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.801: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
13.149: Third Party Provider = Intel for
14.801: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_AFD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_BEEP\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CLNTMGMT.SYS\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CPQDFW\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQCPU\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_CQ_MEM\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMBOOT\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_DMLOAD\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EABFILTR\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_EECTRL\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_ERASERUTILREBOOTDRV\0000 0x2
14.811: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_FIPS\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_GPC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_HTTP\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPNAT\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IPSEC\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_IRDA\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_KSECDD\0000 0x2
14.821: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MNMDD\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_MOUNTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVENG\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NAVEX15\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDIS\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISTAPI\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDISUIO\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NDPROXY\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NETBT\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_NULL\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARTMGR\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_PARVDM\0000 0x2
14.831: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RASACD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPCDD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_RDPWD\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SAVRTPEL\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SPBBCDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMEVENT\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMREDRV\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_SYMTDI\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIP\0000 0x2
14.841: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_TDTCP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VGASAVE\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_VOLSNAP\0000 0x2
14.851: Failed to query DriverPath of ROOT\LEGACY_WANARP\0000 0x2
22.873: OEM file scan used 22072 ticks
26.017: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 25216 ticks
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
26.017: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
26.057: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 40 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
26.057: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
26.067: AnalyzeComponents used 25266 ticks
26.067: Downloading 0 files
26.067: bPatchMode = FALSE
26.067: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 25296 ticks
26.067: Num Ticks for invent : 25296
26.067: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 17210122240
26.077: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
26.077: Drive C: free 16412MB req: 55MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
26.077: CabinetBuild complete
26.077: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 10
26.077: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
26.087: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.428: Return Code = 0
26.428: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
26.908: Return Code = 0
26.908: Starting process: "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect
2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall
26.908: RunInfProcesses: SpawnProcessAndWaitForItToComplete on ""C:\Program
Files\Windows Media Connect 2\Wmccds.exe" uninstall" in
[ProcessesToRunBeforeArchive] failed: 0x3
26.908: Return Code = 3
26.908: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmccpl.dll"
26.969: Return Code = 3
26.969: Starting process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2\wmcsci.dll"
27.039: Return Code = 3
27.039: Starting process: c:\3d75f72a135b08c2fda0e9328ba9\\unregmp2.exe
27.209: Return Code = 0
27.229: FileInUse:: Detection disabled.
28.260: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halacpi.dll failed:
36.923: ArchiveFileForUninstall:ArchiveSingleFile Cancelled
37.964: DoInstallation:UpdSpCommitFileQueue for AlwaysQueue Failed: 0x4c7
38.535: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> wmp11, 2
38.535: wmp11 Setup canceled.
38.535: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00d
Excerpt of updspapi.log... nothing fails before this.
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET1A8.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp3res.dll" on next reboot.
[2008/07/10 03:00:35 3632.6]
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET14.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET15.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET16.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip6.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET17.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\tcpip.sys" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET18.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\mswsock.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET19.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\dnsapi.dll" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file
to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET1A.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\afd.sys" on next reboot.
[2010/01/04 08:19:17 1504.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/01/04 08:20:19 3504.6]
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET71.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\apphelp.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\SET72.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb" on next reboot.
#-336 Copying file "c:\45f008b80d5bc7c20e81ce9990f0\SP2QFE\sysmain.sdb" to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" via temporary file
#W190 File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SET73.tmp" marked to be moved to
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\sysmain.sdb" on next reboot.
[2010/06/24 10:18:11 2112.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:23:37 500.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:37:41 1332.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:43:21 2284.2]
operation was canceled by the user.
[2010/06/24 10:55:26 1568.2]
operation was canceled by the user.